1.Qiyang Ge, Xuelin Huang, Shenying Fang, Yuanyuan Liu, Wei Lin, and Momiao Xiong* (2020). Conditional generative adversarial networks for individualized treatment effect estimation and treatment selection. Frontiers in Genetics: Statistical Genetics and Methodology, 11:585804.
2.Peng Ji*, Wei Lin, and Jürgen Kurths (2020). Asymptotic scaling describing signal propagation in complex networks. Nature Physics, Matters Arising, 16(11):1082-1083.
3.Jiachen Ye, Peng Ji*, David Waxman, Wei Lin, and Yamir Moreno* (2020). Impact of intra and inter-cluster coupling balance on the performance of nonlinear networked systems. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 139: 110065.
4.Yang Tang, Jürgen Kurths*, Wei Lin, Edward Ott, Ljupco Kocarev (2020). Introduction to Focus Issue: When machine learning meets complex systems: Networks, chaos, and nonlinear dynamics. CHAOS, Editorial, 30(6):063151.
5.Siyang Leng, Huanfei Ma, Jürgen Kurths, Ying-Cheng Lai, Wei Lin*, Kazuyuki Aihara*, Luonan Chen* (2020). Partial cross mapping eliminates indirect causal influences. Nature Communications, 11:2632.
6.Leheng Fang, Jiawen Hou, Junjie Lai, Zhen Jin, Ye Yao, Na He, Zhongxue Gan, and Wei Lin* (2020). Mathematical modeling of COVID-19 spreading dynamics based on a real megapolis map: An elementary study of computational simulations and intervention strategies (in Chinese). Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica (应用数学学报), 43(2): 382-400.
7.Peng Ji*, Lipeng Zhu, Chao Lu, Wei Lin, and Juergen Kurths (2020). How price-based frequency regulation impacts stability in power grids: A complex network perspectives. Complexity, 2020: 6297134.
8.Kunquan Lan and Wei Lin (2020). Positive solutions of elliptic boundary value problems and applications to population dynamics. Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, 32: 873–894.
9.Kai Shi, Wei Lin, Xingming Zhao (2020). Identifying molecular biomarkers for diseases with machine learning based on integrative omics. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Regular Paper, 18(6):2514-2525.
10.Qiang Li, Paul Schultz, Wei Lin, Jürgen Kurths, and Peng Ji* (2020). Global and local performance metric with inertia effects. Nonlinear Dynamics, 102:653–665.