周士杰 青年研究员 复旦大学智能复杂体系基础理论与关键技术实验室 青年研究员 E-mail: sjzhou14@fudan.edu.cn |
周士杰,复旦大学青年研究员。他于2014年在复旦大学数学科学学院获得学士学位,于2019年在同一学院获得博士学位。在完成博士学业后,他先后在香港城市大学和约克大学进行博士后研究。他专注于复杂系统的动力学建模和智能化调控算法,特别关注时滞、随机性和网络结构等复杂因素对系统动力学演化和调控的综合影响。研究成果在SIAP、SICON、TAC、Automatica等知名期刊上发表,并受到多位IEEE Fellow和相关领域学者的积极引用和评价。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,2023年入选上海市白玉兰青年人才计划,2024年入选国家海外高层次青年人才计划。
复旦大学 数学科学学院 学士学位(2010.09——2014.06)
复旦大学 上海数学中心 博士学位(2014.09——2019.06)
香港城市大学 数学系 博士后(2019.08——2019.11)
约克大学 数学与统计系 博士后(2020.01——2022.12)
复旦大学 智能复杂体系实验室 青年研究员(2023.11至今)
1. Shijie Zhou, Peng Ji, Qing Zhou, Jianfeng Feng, Juergen Kurths, and Wei Lin* [2017] Adaptive elimination of synchronization in coupled oscillator, New Journal of Physics, 19(8):083004.
2. Wei Lin*, Xin Chen, and Shijie Zhou [2017] Achieving control and synchronization merely through a stochastically adaptive feedback coupling,CHAOS, 27(7):073110.
3. Fuli Dai#, Shijie Zhou#, Thomas Peron, Wei Lin, and Peng Ji* [2018] Interplay among inertia, time delay and frustration on synchronization dynamics, Physical Review E, 98(5):052218.
4. Shijie Zhou#, Yao Guo#, Maoxing Liu#, Ying-Cheng Lai, and Wei Lin* [2019] Random temporal connections promote network synchronization, Physical Review E, 100(3):032302.
5. Shijie Zhou* and Wei Lin [2021] Eliminating synchronization of coupled neurons adaptively by using feedback coupling with heterogeneous delays, CHAOS, 31(2):023114.
6. Shijie Zhou, Ying-Cheng Lai, and Wei Lin* [2022] Stochastically adaptive control and synchronization: From globally one-sided Lipschitzian to only locally Lipschitzian systems, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 21(2):932-959.
7. Shijie Zhou*, Wei Lin, and Jianhong Wu [2022] Generalized invariance principles for discrete-time stochastic dynamical systems, Automatica, 143:110436.
8. Kaidian Wang#, Luan Yang#, Shijie Zhou*, and Wei Lin [2023] Desynchronizing oscillators coupled in multi-cluster networks through adaptively controlling partial networks, CHAOS, 33(9):091101.
9. Shijie Zhou, Wei Lin*, Jianhong Wu, and Xuerong Mao [2024] Generalized invariance principles for stochastic dynamical systems and their applications, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Regular Paper, 69(1):85-99.
10. Xiaoxiao Peng and Shijie Zhou* [2024] Finite-time stochastic control for complex dynamical systems: The estimate for control time and energy consumption, Systems & Control Letters, 184(2):105711.
11. Xu Huang, Zhiqiang Wang*, and Shijie Zhou (in alphabetic order) [2024] The dichotomy property in stabilizability of 2×2 linear hyperbolic systems, ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, 30:24.
12. Xiaoxiao Peng, Shijie Zhou, Wei Lin*, and Xuerong Mao [2024] Invariance principles for G-brownian-motion-driven stochastic differential equations and their applications to G-stochastic control, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 62(3):1569-1589.
13. Shijie Zhou*, Xiaoxiao Peng, Wei Lin, and Xuerong Mao [2024] Adaptive control and synchronization of complex dynamical systems with various types of delays and stochastic disturbances, SlAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 84(4):1515-1531.
14. Luan Yang#, Jingdong Zhang, Shijie Zhou, and Wei Lin* [2025] Advancements in mathematical approaches for deciphering deep brain stimulation: A systematic review, CSIAM Transactions on Life Sciences, 1(1):93-133.
15. Shijie Zhou, Hongyinping Feng, and Zhiqiang Wang* [2025] Stability analysis for 1-D wave equation with delayed feedback control, Journal of Differential Equations, 430:113204.
16. Shijie Zhou*, Luan Yang, Xuzhe Qian, and Wei Lin [2025] A geometric approach to stability analysis of asymmetric or random delayed network dynamics, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, to appear.