薛磊 教授 博士生导师 复旦大学,生命科学学院 生理与生物物理系,研究员,博士生导师 党派及职务:民革 复旦大学委员会委员 地址: 上海市杨浦区淞沪路2005号复旦大学江湾校区生命科学学院D213室 电话:86-21-31246756 (office) Email: lxue@fudan.edu.cn |
复旦大学,2021年至今, 教授,博士生导师
美国国立卫生研究院,2005年至2010年,博士后,导师:Ling-gang Wu
发表论文 Publications
Wu YC, Liu QZ, Guo B, Ye FF, Ge JL, and Xue L. BDNF activates postsynaptic TrkB receptors to induce endocannabinoid release and inhibit presynaptic calcium influx at a calyx-type synapse. (2020). the Journal of Neuroscience. 40:8070-8087.
Huang YY#, Wang YQ#, Gao YM, Liu QZ, Ye FF, Guo B, and Xue L. BDNF and Its Multirole Function in Neurogenesis, Synaptic Transmission and Neurodegenerative Diseases. (2020). Nano LIFE. Vol. 10, Nos. 1 & 2 (2020) 2040007. DOI: 10.1142/S1793984420400073.
Liu QZ#, Hao M#, Zhou ZY#, Ge JL, Wu YC, Zhao LL, Wu X, Feng Y, Gao H, Li S*, and Xue L*. Propofol reduces synaptic strength by inhibiting sodium and calcium channels at nerve terminals. (2019). Protein & Cell. 2019 Sep;10(9):688-693.
Jia B#, Wu YC, He D, Guo BH, and Xue L*. Dynamics of transitions from anti-phase to multiple in-phase synchronizations in inhibitory coupled bursting neurons. (2018). Nonlinear Dynamics. 93: 1599-1618. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11071-018-4279-x.
Jia B#, Gu HG*, and Xue L. A basic bifurcation structure from bursting to spiking of injured nerve fibers in a two-dimensional parameter space. (2017). Cogn Neurodyn. Apr;11(2):189-200.
Wang K, Lu JM, Xing ZH, Zhao QR, Hu LQ, Xue L, Zhang J and Mei YA. Effect of 1.8GHz radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation on novel object associative recognition memory in mice. (2017). Scientific Reports. Mar 17;7:44521.
Li L, Saiyin H, Xie J, Ma L, Xue L, Wang W, Liang W, Yu Q. Sevoflurane preconditioning induced endogenous neurogenesis against ischemic brain injury by promoting microglial activation. (2017). Oncotarget. Apr 25;8(17):28544-28557.
Cui J, Ding Y, Chen S, Zhu X, Wu Y, Zhang M, Zhao Y, Li TR, Sun LV, Zhao S, Zhuang Y, Jia W, Xue L, Han M, Xu T, Wu X. Disruption of Gpr45 causes reduced hypothalamic POMC expression and obesity. (2016). J Clin Invest. 126:3192-3206.
Sun ZC#, Ge JL#, Guo B#, Guo J, Hao M, Wu YC, Lin YA, La T, Yao PT, Mei YA, Feng Y* and Xue L*. Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields Facilitate Vesicle Endocytosis by Increasing Presynaptic Calcium Channel Expression at a Central Synapse. (2016). Scientific Reports. Feb 18;6:21774.
Guo J#, Ge JL#, Hao M#, Sun ZC#, Wu XS, Zhu JB, Wang W, Yao PT, Lin W and Xue L*. A Three-Pool Model Dissecting Readily Releasable Pool Replenishment at the Calyx of Held. (2015). Scientific Reports, 5:9517.
Guo J#, Sun ZC, Yao PT, Wang HL and Xue L*. A Monte Carlo simulation dissecting quantal release at the calyx of Held. (2015). Front Biosci (Landmark Ed) 20:1079–1091.
Xue L#*, Sheng J#, Wu XS, Wu W, Luo FJ, Shin Wonchul, Chiang HC, and Wu LG*. Most vesicles in a central nerve terminal participate in recycling. (2013). Journal of Neuroscience,2013 May 15;33(20):8820-6.
Xu J#, Luo F, Zhang Z, Xue L, Wu XS, Chiang HC, Shin W and Wu LG*. SNARE Proteins Synaptobrevin, SNAP-25, and Syntaxin Are Involved in Rapid and Slow Endocytosis at Synapses. (2013). Cell reports, May 30;3(5):1414-21.
Xue L#, Zhang Z#, McNeil B, Luo FJ, Wu XS, Sheng JS and Wu LG*. Voltage-dependent calcium channels at the plasma membrane, but not vesicular channels, couple exocytosis to endocytosis. (2012). Cell reports, 1 (6) : 632-638.
Sheng JS#,He L, Zheng H, Xue L, Luo FJ, Shin W, Sun T and Wu LG*. Calcium-channel number critically influences synaptic strength and plasticity at the active zone. (2012). Nature Neuroscience, 15(7), 998–1006.
Xue L#, McNeil BD, Wu XS, Luo FJ, He L and Wu LG*. A Membrane Pool Retrieved via Endocytosis Overshoot at Nerve Terminals: A Study of Its Retrieval Mechanism and Role. (2012). Journal of Neuroscience, 2012 Mar 7; 2(10):3398-404.
Xue L# and Mei YA*. Synaptic vesicle cycling at the calyx of the Held. (2011). Acta Pharmacological Sinica, 2011 Mar;32(3):280-7.
Xue L# and Wu LG*. Post-tetanic potentiation is caused by two signaling mechanisms affecting quantal size and quantal content. (2010). Journal of Physiology (Lond.) 4987–4994.
He L#, Xue L#, Xu J, McNeil B, Bai L, Melicoff E, Adachi R and Wu LG*. Compound vesicle fusion increases quantal size and potentiates synaptic transmission. (2009). Nature, 459(7243):93-7.
Xue L#*, Zhang F, Chen X, Lin J, Shi J. PDZ Protein Mediated Activity-Dependent LTP/LTD Developmental Switch at Rat Retinocollicular Synapses. (2010). American Journal of Physiology, Cell Physiology, 298(6):C1572-82.
Wu XS#, McNell B#, Xu J, Fan JM, Xue L, Melicoff E, Adachi R, Bai L and Wu LG*. Ca2+ and calmodulin initiate all forms of endocytosis during depolarization at a nerve terminal. (2009). Nature Neuroscience, 12(8):1003-10.
Wu XS#, Xue L, Mohan R, Paradiso K, Gillis KD, Wu LG*. The origin of quantal size variation: vesicular glutamate concentration plays a significant role. (2007). Journal of Neuroscience, 27(11):3046-56.
会议及报告 Talks
第十二届全国神经科学年会中国天津 2017年10月15日突触传递分会主持
分会报告题目:Endocytosis maintains the release probability during post-tetanic potentiation via clearance of active zone at a central synapse
第十四次中国暨国际生物物理大会中国昆明 2015年11月17日神经环路分会主持
分会报告题目:A Three-Pool Model Dissecting Readily Releasable Pool Replenishment at the Calyx of Held
EMBO膜结构和蛋白重塑研讨会中国西安 2013年5月20日
大会报告题目:Most vesicles in a central nerve terminal participate in recycling
EMBO膜结构和蛋白重塑研讨会中国西安 2013年5月20日
大会报告题目:Most vesicles in a central nerve terminal participate in recycling
第三次国际暨第十二次全国膜生物学学术研讨会中国西安 2012年11月8日
分会报告题目:A Membrane Pool Retrieved via Endocytosis Overshoot at Nerve Terminals
学术任职 Academic service
人才计划及获奖 Award
本科生培养 Undergraduate training
2015年上海市挑战杯二等奖, 直接指导教师。