Research Institute of Intelligent Complex Systems 简称IICS

1.Xiaoge Bao, Peng Ji*, Wei Lin, Matjaž Perc, and Juergen Kurths*. The impact of COVID-19 on the worldwide air transportation networkThe impact of COVID-19 on the worldwide air transportation network. Royal Society Open Science, [2021],8:210682. 

2.Bo-Wei Qin*, Lei Zhao, and Wei Lin*. A frequency-amplitude coordinator and its optimal energy consumption for biological oscillators. Nature Communications, [2021],12: 5894. 

3.Duxin Chen, Yongzheng Sun, Wenwu Yu, Haitao Zhang, and Wei Lin*. Coordinating directional switches in pigeon flocks: The role of nonlinear interactions. Royal Society Open Science, [2021],8:210649. 

4.Qunxi Zhu*, Yao Guo*, and Wei Lin*. Neural delay differential equations. The Ninth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2021), [2021], accepted as a Poster. 

5.Yuanren Jiang and Wei Lin*. The role of random structures in tissue formation: From a viewpoint of morphogenesis in stochastic systems. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, [2021], 31(11):2150171. 

6.Yuankai Ha, Yao Guo*, and Wei Lin. Non-Bayesian social learning model with periodically switching structures. CHAOS, [2021],31(4):043137. 

7.Yiqun Dong, Jun Tao, Youmin Zhang, Wei Lin, and Jianliang Ai. Deep learning in aircraft design, dynamics, and control: Review and prospects. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, [2021],57(4):2346 - 2368. 

8.Shijie Zhou* and Wei Lin . Eliminating synchronization of coupled neurons adaptively by using feedback coupling with heterogeneous delays. CHAOS, [2021],31(2):023114. 

9.Kai Shi, Lingli Zhang, Juehua Yu, Zilin Chen, Shenying Lai, Xingzhong Zhao, Wei-Guang Li, Qiang Luo, Wei Lin, Jianfeng Feng, Peer Bork, Xing-Ming Zhao*, and Fei Li*. A 12-genus bacterial signature identifies a group of severe autism children with differential sensory behavior and brain structures. Clinical and Translational Medicine, [2021],11(2):e314. 

10.Kunquan Lan and Wei Lin. Steady-state solutions of one dimensional competition models in an unstirred chemostat  via the fixed point index theory. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics, [2021],151(1):240-264. 

11.Jiawen Hou, Jie Hong, Boyun Ji, Bowen Dong, Yun Chen, Michael P. Ward, Wei Tu, Zhen Jin, Jian Hu, Qing Su, Wenge Wang, Zheng Zhao, Shuang Xiao, Jiaqi Huang, Wei Lin*, and Zhijie Zhang*. Changed transmission epidemiology of COVID-19 at early stage: A nationwide population-based piecewise mathematical modelling study. Travel Medicine and Infectious Diseases, [2021],39:101918.  (Supplemental Materials: Changing transmission dynamics of COVID-19 in China: A nationwide population-based piecewise mathematical modeling study, medRxiv 2020:2020.03.27.20045757).

12.Jiachen Ye, Thomas Peron, Wei Lin, Jürgen Kurths, Peng Ji*. Performance measures after perturbations in the presence of inertia. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, [2021],97(3):105727. 

13.Qiyang Ge, Zixin Hu, Shudi Li, Wei Lin, Li Jin, and Momiao Xiong*. A novel intervention recurrent  autoencoder for real time forecasting  and non-pharmaceutical  intervention selection to curb  the spread of Covid-19 in the world. Statistics and Its Interface, [2021],14(1):37-47.  

14.Gaoxing Zheng, Yuzhu Li, Xiaoying Qi, Wei Zhang and Yuguo Yu*. Mental Calculation Drives Reliable and Weak Distant Connectivity While Music Listening Induces Dense Local Connectivity. Phenomics, [2021]:285-298.

15.Yu Lei, Yuzhu Li, Lianchun Yu, Longzhou Xu, Xin Zhang, Gaoxing Zheng, Liang Chen, Wei Zhang, Xiaoying Qi, Yuxiang Gu*, Yuguo Yu*, and Ying Mao. Faded Critical Dynamics in Adult Moyamoya Disease Revealed by EEG and fMRI.Oxid Med Cell Longev, [2021]:6640108.

16.Xinzhen Pei, Xiaoying Qi, Yuzhou Jiang, Xunzhang Shen, An-Li Wang, Yang Cao, Chenglin Zhou, and Yuguo Yu*. Sparsely Wiring Connectivity in the Upper Beta Band Characterizes the Brains of Top Swimming Athletes.Frontiers in Psychology, [2021]:661632.

17.Yingzhi Lu, Xiaoying Qi, Qi Zhao, Yifan Chen, Yanjiang Liu, Xiawen Li, Yuguo Yu*, and Chengling Zhou*. Effects of exercise programs on neuroelectric dynamics in drug addiction.Nneuroelectric Dynamics, [2021],15(1):27-42.

18.Gaoxing Zheng, Yu Lei, Yuzhu Li, Wei Zhang, Jiabin Su, Xiaoying Qi, Liang Chen, Xin Zhang, Yuxiang Gu*, Yuguo Yu*, and Ying Mao. Changes in Brain Functional Network Connectivity in Adult Moyamoya Diseases. Nneuroelectric Dynamics, [2021], 5(5):861-872.

19.Yunhui Zhou and Yuguo Yu*. Human visual search follows a suboptimal Bayesian strategy revealed by a spatiotemporal computational model and experiment. Communication Biology, [2021], 4(1):1-16.

20.Xinxing Wang, Hanxiao Liu, Johannes Morstein, Alexander J E Novak, Dirk Trauner, Qiaojie Xiong*, Yuguo Yu*, and Shaoyu Ge*. Effects of exercise programs on neuroelectric dynamics in drug addiction.Cognitive Neurodynamics, [2021],15, 27–42.

1.Xiaoge Bao, Peng Ji*, Wei Lin, Matjaž Perc, and Juergen Kurths*. The impact of COVID-19 on the worldwide air transportation networkThe impact of COVID-19 on the worldwide air transportation network. Royal Society Open Science, [2021],8:210682. 

2.Bo-Wei Qin*, Lei Zhao, and Wei Lin*. A frequency-amplitude coordinator and its optimal energy consumption for biological oscillators. Nature Communications, [2021],12: 5894. 

3.Duxin Chen, Yongzheng Sun, Wenwu Yu, Haitao Zhang, and Wei Lin*. Coordinating directional switches in pigeon flocks: The role of nonlinear interactions. Royal Society Open Science, [2021],8:210649. 

4.Qunxi Zhu*, Yao Guo*, and Wei Lin*. Neural delay differential equations. The Ninth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2021), [2021], accepted as a Poster. 

5.Yuanren Jiang and Wei Lin*. The role of random structures in tissue formation: From a viewpoint of morphogenesis in stochastic systems. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, [2021], 31(11):2150171. 

6.Yuankai Ha, Yao Guo*, and Wei Lin. Non-Bayesian social learning model with periodically switching structures. CHAOS, [2021],31(4):043137. 

7.Yiqun Dong, Jun Tao, Youmin Zhang, Wei Lin, and Jianliang Ai. Deep learning in aircraft design, dynamics, and control: Review and prospects. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, [2021],57(4):2346 - 2368. 

8.Shijie Zhou* and Wei Lin . Eliminating synchronization of coupled neurons adaptively by using feedback coupling with heterogeneous delays. CHAOS, [2021],31(2):023114. 

9.Kai Shi, Lingli Zhang, Juehua Yu, Zilin Chen, Shenying Lai, Xingzhong Zhao, Wei-Guang Li, Qiang Luo, Wei Lin, Jianfeng Feng, Peer Bork, Xing-Ming Zhao*, and Fei Li*. A 12-genus bacterial signature identifies a group of severe autism children with differential sensory behavior and brain structures. Clinical and Translational Medicine, [2021],11(2):e314. 

10.Kunquan Lan and Wei Lin. Steady-state solutions of one dimensional competition models in an unstirred chemostat  via the fixed point index theory. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics, [2021],151(1):240-264. 

11.Jiawen Hou, Jie Hong, Boyun Ji, Bowen Dong, Yun Chen, Michael P. Ward, Wei Tu, Zhen Jin, Jian Hu, Qing Su, Wenge Wang, Zheng Zhao, Shuang Xiao, Jiaqi Huang, Wei Lin*, and Zhijie Zhang*. Changed transmission epidemiology of COVID-19 at early stage: A nationwide population-based piecewise mathematical modelling study. Travel Medicine and Infectious Diseases, [2021],39:101918.  (Supplemental Materials: Changing transmission dynamics of COVID-19 in China: A nationwide population-based piecewise mathematical modeling study, medRxiv 2020:2020.03.27.20045757).

12.Jiachen Ye, Thomas Peron, Wei Lin, Jürgen Kurths, Peng Ji*. Performance measures after perturbations in the presence of inertia. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, [2021],97(3):105727. 

13.Qiyang Ge, Zixin Hu, Shudi Li, Wei Lin, Li Jin, and Momiao Xiong*. A novel intervention recurrent  autoencoder for real time forecasting  and non-pharmaceutical  intervention selection to curb  the spread of Covid-19 in the world. Statistics and Its Interface, [2021],14(1):37-47.  

14.Gaoxing Zheng, Yuzhu Li, Xiaoying Qi, Wei Zhang and Yuguo Yu*. Mental Calculation Drives Reliable and Weak Distant Connectivity While Music Listening Induces Dense Local Connectivity. Phenomics, [2021]:285-298.

15.Yu Lei, Yuzhu Li, Lianchun Yu, Longzhou Xu, Xin Zhang, Gaoxing Zheng, Liang Chen, Wei Zhang, Xiaoying Qi, Yuxiang Gu*, Yuguo Yu*, and Ying Mao. Faded Critical Dynamics in Adult Moyamoya Disease Revealed by EEG and fMRI.Oxid Med Cell Longev, [2021]:6640108.

16.Xinzhen Pei, Xiaoying Qi, Yuzhou Jiang, Xunzhang Shen, An-Li Wang, Yang Cao, Chenglin Zhou, and Yuguo Yu*. Sparsely Wiring Connectivity in the Upper Beta Band Characterizes the Brains of Top Swimming Athletes.Frontiers in Psychology, [2021]:661632.

17.Yingzhi Lu, Xiaoying Qi, Qi Zhao, Yifan Chen, Yanjiang Liu, Xiawen Li, Yuguo Yu*, and Chengling Zhou*. Effects of exercise programs on neuroelectric dynamics in drug addiction.Nneuroelectric Dynamics, [2021],15(1):27-42.

18.Gaoxing Zheng, Yu Lei, Yuzhu Li, Wei Zhang, Jiabin Su, Xiaoying Qi, Liang Chen, Xin Zhang, Yuxiang Gu*, Yuguo Yu*, and Ying Mao. Changes in Brain Functional Network Connectivity in Adult Moyamoya Diseases. Nneuroelectric Dynamics, [2021], 5(5):861-872.

19.Yunhui Zhou and Yuguo Yu*. Human visual search follows a suboptimal Bayesian strategy revealed by a spatiotemporal computational model and experiment. Communication Biology, [2021], 4(1):1-16.

20.Xinxing Wang, Hanxiao Liu, Johannes Morstein, Alexander J E Novak, Dirk Trauner, Qiaojie Xiong*, Yuguo Yu*, and Shaoyu Ge*. Effects of exercise programs on neuroelectric dynamics in drug addiction.Cognitive Neurodynamics, [2021],15, 27–42.