Wei Yimin Professor, Doctoral Supervisor Professor, School of Mathematical Sciences, Fudan University Double-employed Professor, Research Institute of Intelligent Complex Systems |
Wei Yimin serves as the editor of several prestigious international academic journals, including Computational and Applied Mathematics, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, FILOMAT, Communications in Mathematical Research and the Journal of Computational Mathematics in Universities. He has an extensive publication record with articles featured in renowned international academic journals such as Math. Comput., SIAM J. Sci, Comput., SIAM J.Numer., SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., J. Sci. Comput., IEEE Trans. Auto. Control, IEEE Trans. Neural Network Learn. System, Neurocomputing and Neural Computation - totaling over 150 papers. Furthermore, he has authored five books in English published by reputable publishers like EDP Science, Elsevier, Springer World Scientific and Science Press. His contributions to academia have been recognized multiple times by being included in Elsevier's list of 'Most Cited Scholars in China'. Moreover, his research has garnered significant attention with more than 8,900 Google academic citations and an H-index of 48.
Major Research Interests
Efficient algorithms for numerical linear algebra, multivariate linear algebra and their practical applications
Recent Representative Publications
【1】W.Ding and Y.Wei. Theory and Computation of Tensors: Multi- Dimensional Arrays, Elsevier, 2016.
【2】M.Che and Y.Wei. Randomized algorithms for the approximations of Tucker and the tensor train decompositions, Advances in Computational Mathematics, 45 (2019)395-428.
【3】X. Wang, M. Che, and Y. Wei. Neural networks based approach solving multi-linear systems with M-tensors, Neurocomputing, 351 (2019) 33-42.
【4】M.Che and Y.Wei. Theory and Computation of Complex Tensors and its Applications, Springer, Singapore, 2020.
【5】M. Che, Y. Wei, and H.Yan. The computation of low multilinear rank approximations of tensors via power scheme and random projection, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 41 (2020) 605-636.