Research Institute of Intelligent Complex Systems 简称IICS
time:2023-08-07 view:625

The SigmaPhi2023 event was held in Greece from 10th to 14th July 2023. The SigmaPhi Prize 2020 and the SigmaPhi Prize 2023 were awarded to Amnon Aharony, David K. Campbell, Hartmut Lowen, Chandan Dasgupta, and J. Michael during the Kosteritz and Jürgen Kurths during the conference.


The SigmaPhi Prize was established by the SigmaPhi Conference to acknowledge exceptional contributions in the field of statistical physics. The award ceremony takes place triennially during the inauguration of the Congress, and each laureate is presented with a prestigious diploma. Distinguished individuals who have previously received the esteemed SigmaPhi Award include Ralf Metzler, David Mukamel, Stefano Ruffo, Giorgio Parisi, Itamar Procaccia, and Eugene Stanley.

从左到右: Phanos Argirakis (Chairman of section), Amnon Aharony (SigmaPhi 2020 Prize),David 

K. Campbel (SigmaPhi 2020 Prize), Hartmut Löwen (SigmaPhi 2020 Prize),  Giorgio Kaniadakis

 (Chairman of SigmaPhi Conference), Chandan Dasgupta (SigmaPhi 2023 Prize), J. Michael Kosterlitz

 (SigmaPhi 2023 Prize), Jürgen Kurths (SigmaPhi 2023 Prize), Ralf Metzler (EPS-SNLP Division).

Jürgen Kurths, a distinguished physicist and mathematician from Germany, holds the position of Distinguished Professor of Research Institute of Intelligent Complex Systems. He is actively involved in directing interdisciplinary concepts and methods at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. Additionally, he serves as a full professor of Nonlinear Dynamics at the Faculty of Physics at Humboldt University Berlin. Professor Jürgen Kurths was conferred the honorary title of Member of the European Academy of Sciences in 2010. Additionally, he received the prestigious distinction of being appointed as a Corresponding Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 2021. His research interests primarily revolve around nonlinear dynamics, complexity science, and complex networks.

time:2023-08-07 view:625

The SigmaPhi2023 event was held in Greece from 10th to 14th July 2023. The SigmaPhi Prize 2020 and the SigmaPhi Prize 2023 were awarded to Amnon Aharony, David K. Campbell, Hartmut Lowen, Chandan Dasgupta, and J. Michael during the Kosteritz and Jürgen Kurths during the conference.


The SigmaPhi Prize was established by the SigmaPhi Conference to acknowledge exceptional contributions in the field of statistical physics. The award ceremony takes place triennially during the inauguration of the Congress, and each laureate is presented with a prestigious diploma. Distinguished individuals who have previously received the esteemed SigmaPhi Award include Ralf Metzler, David Mukamel, Stefano Ruffo, Giorgio Parisi, Itamar Procaccia, and Eugene Stanley.

从左到右: Phanos Argirakis (Chairman of section), Amnon Aharony (SigmaPhi 2020 Prize),David 

K. Campbel (SigmaPhi 2020 Prize), Hartmut Löwen (SigmaPhi 2020 Prize),  Giorgio Kaniadakis

 (Chairman of SigmaPhi Conference), Chandan Dasgupta (SigmaPhi 2023 Prize), J. Michael Kosterlitz

 (SigmaPhi 2023 Prize), Jürgen Kurths (SigmaPhi 2023 Prize), Ralf Metzler (EPS-SNLP Division).

Jürgen Kurths, a distinguished physicist and mathematician from Germany, holds the position of Distinguished Professor of Research Institute of Intelligent Complex Systems. He is actively involved in directing interdisciplinary concepts and methods at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. Additionally, he serves as a full professor of Nonlinear Dynamics at the Faculty of Physics at Humboldt University Berlin. Professor Jürgen Kurths was conferred the honorary title of Member of the European Academy of Sciences in 2010. Additionally, he received the prestigious distinction of being appointed as a Corresponding Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 2021. His research interests primarily revolve around nonlinear dynamics, complexity science, and complex networks.