- 【Academic Lecture】The dynamical system analysis of single-cell omics data 2023-11-09
- 【Academic Lecture】The dynamic modeling and inference of cellular phenotypic transformation and division patterns 2023-11-06
- 【Academic Lecture】The composition, function of brain cells and the brain interface 2023-11-01
- "Future-oriented Complex Systems Science - Intersection and Convergence" for scholars 2023-10-31
- 【Academic Lecture】Climate Meets Network Science: Exploring ExtremeClimate Events via a Complex Network Approach 2023-10-27
- 【Academic Lecture】Adaptive stabilization of stochastic nonlinear systems 2023-10-24
- 【Academic Lecture】Observe the world from a systems perspective 2023-10-23
- 【Academic Lecture】Visual repair and visual decoding 2023-09-06
- 【Academic Lecture】Using Hidden Markov Models to characterise bacterial carriage 2023-09-04
- 【Academic Lecture】Interpretable meta-learning for physics 2023-08-23
- 【Academic Lecture】Changing Connectomes: Towards Noninvasive Brain Stimulation Techniques to Improve Cognitive Performance 2023-08-11
- 【Academic Lecture】Insights from cell-level observations to distrbuted cognitive functions:L1 interneurons modeling and Patchseq data analysis 2023-08-08
- 【Academic Lecture】The dynamic brain: mechanisms and models of sensation, decision-making and control 2023-07-31
- 【Academic Lecture】Stochastic Modelling and Applications 2023-07-28
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