【学术报告】The fundamental benefits of multiplexity in ecological networks

发布者:孙毅 发布时间:2023-02-21 浏览次数:238

时间:20230222,1000-1100 AM

题目The fundamental benefits of multiplexity in ecological networks




摘要:A tipping point presents perhaps the single most significant threat to an ecological system as it can lead to abrupt species extinction on a massive scale. Climate changes leading to the species decay parameter drifts can drive various ecological systems towards a tipping point. We investigate the tipping-point dynamics in multi-layer ecological networks supported by mutualism. We unveil a natural mechanism by which the occurrence of tipping points can be delayed by multiplexity that broadly describes the diversity of the species abundances, the complexity of the interspecific relationships, and the topology of linkages in ecological networks. For a double-layer system of pollinators and plants, coupling between the network layers occurs when there is dispersal of pollinator species. Multiplexity emerges as the dispersing species establish their presence in the destination layer and have a simultaneous presence in both. We demonstrate that the new mutualistic links induced by the dispersing species with the residence species have fundamental benefits to the wellbeing of the ecosystem in delaying the tipping point and facilitating species recovery. Articulating and implementing control mechanisms to induce multiplexity can thus help sustain certain types of ecosystems that are in danger of extinction as the result of environmental changes.

个人简介:孟雨,马克斯-普朗克复杂系统物理研究所和马科斯-普朗克分子细胞生物学及遗传学研究所博士后研究员,2017年本科毕业于山西大学数学学院学院,2021年博士毕业于英国阿伯丁大学,师从Celso Grebogi教授。从事复杂网络、非线性随机动力学、非线性动力学和生物物理等应用数学领域。